Prof. Dr. med. Markus Heim
Chefarzt Hepatologie
Forschungsgebiete: Behandlung der viralen chronischen Hepatitis, Interferon-Wirkung in der Leber, Entstehung des Leberkrebses

Seit 2019
Chefarzt Gastroenterologie und Hepatologie Clarunis Universitäres Bauchzentrum Basel
2012 – 2018
Chefarzt Gastroenterologie und Hepatologie Universitätsspital Basel
Facharzt für Hepatologie
Professor für Hepatologie
2003– 2011
Leitender Arzt und Leiter Hepatologie Universitätsspital Basel
Ernennung zum Titularprofessor der Universität Basel
1999 – 2002
Oberarzt Gastroenterologie und Hepatologie Universitätsspital Basel
Seit 1999
Forschungsgruppenleiter des Hepatologie Institut für Biomedizin Universität Basel
Facharzt für Gastroenterologie
Habilitation in Innerer Medizin
1996 – 1997
Assistenzarzt für Gastroenterologie und Hepatologie Universitätsspital Basel
Facharzt für Innere Medizin
1996 – 1997
Assistenzarzt für Gastroenterologie und Hepatologie Universitätsspital Freiburg
1995 – 1996
Assistenzarzt Innere Medizin, Universitätsspital Basel
1993 – 1995
Postdoctoral Fellow (J.E. Darnell) Rockefeller University New York
1991 – 1993
Assistenzarzt Innere Medizin Universitätsspital Basel
1988 – 1991
Postdoctoral Fellow (U.A.Meyer) Biozentrum Basel
Swiss Postgraduate Course in Experimental Medicine and Biology
1981 – 1987
Medizinstudium Universität Basel
- Swiss Associaton for the Study of the Liver (SASL)
- Swiss Society for Gastroenterology
- European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL)
- Swiss Society for Internal Medicine (SGIM)
- American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD)
- American Gastroenterology Association (AGA)
- American Society for Microbiology (ASM) since 2001
- American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB)
- International Society for Interferon and Cytokine Research (ISICR)
- Ludwig-Heilmeyer-Gesellschaft
- Gallon J, Coto-Llerena M, Ercan C, Bianco G, Paradiso V, Nuciforo S, Taha-Melitz S, Meier MA, Boldanova T, Pérez-Del-Pulgar S, Rodríguez-Tajes S, von Flüe M, Soysal SD, Kollmar O, Llovet JM, Villanueva A, Terracciano LM, Heim MH, Ng CKY, Piscuoglio S: Epigenetic priming in chronic liver disease impacts the transcriptional and genetic landscapes of hepatocellular carcinoma. 2022: Molecular oncology16: 665-682.
- Ng CKY, Dazert E, Boldanova T, Coto-Llerena M, Nuciforo S, Ercan C, Suslov A, Meier MA, Bock T, Schmidt A, Ketterer S, Wang X, Wieland S, Matter MS, Colombi M, Piscuoglio S, Terracciano LM, Hall MN, Heim MH: Integrative proteogenomic characterization of hepatocellular carcinoma across etiologies and stages. Nat Commun, 2022. 13(1): p. 2436.
- Kollmar O, Delaloye R, Piscuoglio S, Heim MH: Patient-derived tumor organoids for personalized medicine in a patient with rare hepatocellular carcinoma with neuroendocrine differentiation: a case report. Commun Med (Lond), 2022. 2: p. 80.
- Ebrahimi F, Semela D, Heim MH: Impact of propofol sedation on the diagnostic accuracy of hepatic venous pressure gradient measurements in patients with cirrhosis. Hepatol Int, 2022. 16(4): p. 817-823.
- Suslov A, Heim MH, Wieland S: Studying Hepatitis Virus-Host Interactions in Patient Liver Biopsies. Viruses, 2022. 14(11).
- Boldanova T, Fucile G, Vosshenrich J, Suslov A, Ercan C, Coto-Llerena M, Terracciano LM, Zech CJ, Boll DT, Wieland S, Heim MH: Supervised learning based on tumor imaging and biopsy transcriptomics predicts response of hepatocellular carcinoma to transarterial chemoembolization. Cell Rep Med. 2O21: 2: 1OO444.
- Chen Q, Coto-Llerena M, Suslov A, Teixeira RD, Fofana I, Nuciforo S, Hofmann M, Thimme R, Hensel N, Lohmann V, Ng CKY, Rosenberger G, Wieland S, Heim MH: Interferon lambda 4 impairs hepatitis C viral antigen presentation and attenuates T cell responses. Nat Commun. 2O21: 12: 4882.
- Coto-Llerena M, Lepore M, Spagnuolo J, Di Blasi D, Calabrese D, Suslov A, Bantug G, Duong FH, Terracciano LM, De Libero G, Heim MH: Interferon lambda 4 can directly activate human CD19(+) B cells and CD8(+) T cells. Life Sci Alliance. 2O21:4.
- Meier MA, Calabrese D, Suslov A, Terracciano LM, Heim MH, Wieland S: Ubiquitous expression of HBsAg from integrated HBV DNA in patients with low viral load. J Hepatol. 2O21: 75: 84O-847.
- Suslov A, Meier MA, Ketterer S, Wang X, Wieland S, Heim MH: Transition to HBeAg-negative chronic hepatitis B virus infection is associated with reduced cccDNA transcriptional activity. J Hepatol. 2O21: 74: 794-8OO.
- Hess GF, Terracciano L, Heim M, Soysal SD, Kollmar O: Hepatectomy of a Hepatocellular Carcinoma after SIRT in a Cirrhotic Liver. Arch Surg Clin Case Rep 2020 3: 129
- Kinast V, Plociennikowska A, Anggakusuma, Bracht T, Todt D, Brown RJ, Boldanova T, Zhang Y, Brueggemann Y, Friesland M, Engelmann M, Vieyres G, Broering R, Vondran FWR, Heim MH, Sitek B, Bartenschlager R, Pietschmann T, Steinmann E. C19orf66 is an interferon-induced inhibitor of HCV replication that restricts formation of the viral replication organelle. J Hepatol 2020.
- Di Blasi D, Boldanova T, Mori L, Terracciano L, Heim MH, De Libero G. Unique T-Cell Populations Define Immune-Inflamed Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Cell Mol Gastroenterol Hepatol 2020;9:195-218.
- Andreozzi M, Quintavalle C, Benz D, Quagliata L, Matter M, Calabrese D, Tosti N, Ruiz C, Trapani F, Tornillo L, Fusco A, Heim MH, Ng CKY, Pallante P, Terracciano LM, Piscuoglio S: Corrigendum to «HMGA1 expression in human hepatocellular carcinoma correlates with poor prognosis and promotes tumor growth and migration in in vitro models». Neoplasia. 2020 Jul; 22(7): 272–273
- Brenig R, Pop OT, Triantafyllou E, Geng A, Singanayagam A, Perez-Shibayama C, Besse L, Cupovic J, Kunzler P, Boldanova T, Brand S, Semela D, Duong FH, Weston CJ, Ludewig B, Heim MH, Wendon J, Antoniades CG, Bernsmeier C. Expression of AXL receptor tyrosine kinase relates to monocyte dysfunction and severity of cirrhosis. Life Sci Alliance 2020;3.
- Wieland SF, Heim MH. The IFN-lambda Pony Express. Nat Immunol 2019.
- Tang F, Gao R, Jeevan-Raj B, Wyss CB, Kalathur RKR, Piscuoglio S, Ng CKY, Hindupur SK, Nuciforo S, Dazert E, Bock T, Song S, Buechel D, Morini MF, Hergovich A, Matthias P, Lim DS, Terracciano LM, Heim MH, Hall MN, Christofori G. LATS1 but not LATS2 represses autophagy by a kinase-independent scaffold function. Nat Commun 2019;10:5755.
- Flecken T, Meier MA, Skewes-Cox P, Barkan DT, Heim MH, Wieland SF, Holdorf MM. Mapping the heterogeneity of histone modifications on hepatitis B virus-DNA using liver needle biopsies obtained from chronically infected patients. J Virol 2019.
- Calabrese D, Roma G, Bergling S, Carbone W, Mele V, Nuciforo S, Fofana I, Campana B, Szkolnicka D, Hay DC, Tchorz J, Bouwmeester T, Wieland S, Heim MH. Liver biopsy derived induced pluripotent stem cells provide unlimited supply for the generation of hepatocyte-like cells. PLoS One 2019;14:e0221762.
- Blumer T, Fofana I, Matter MS, Wang X, Montazeri H, Calabrese D, Coto-Llerena M, Boldanova T, Nuciforo S, Kancherla V, Tornillo L, Piscuoglio S, Wieland S, Terracciano LM, Ng CKY, Heim MH. Hepatocellular Carcinoma Xenografts Established From Needle Biopsies Preserve the Characteristics of the Originating Tumors. Hepatol Commun 2019;3:971-986.
- Van Renne N, Roca Suarez AA, Duong FHT, Gondeau C, Calabrese D, Fontaine N, Ababsa A, Bandiera S, Croonenborghs T, Pochet N, De Blasi V, Pessaux P, Piardi T, Sommacale D, Ono A, Chayama K, Fujita M, Nakagawa H, Hoshida Y, Zeisel MB, Heim MH, Baumert TF, Lupberger J. miR-135a-5p-mediated downregulation of protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor delta is a candidate driver of HCV-associated hepatocarcinogenesis. Gut 2018;67:953-962.
- Suslov A, Heim MH, Wieland S. New insights into HDV-induced innate immunity: MDA5 senses HDV replication. J Hepatol 2018;69:5-7.
- Suslov A, Boldanova T, Wang X, Wieland S, Heim MH. Hepatitis B Virus Does Not Interfere With Innate Immune Responses in the Human Liver. Gastroenterology 2018;154:1778-1790.
- Paradiso V, Garofoli A, Tosti N, Lanzafame M, Perrina V, Quagliata L, Matter MS, Wieland S, Heim MH, Piscuoglio S, Ng CKY, Terracciano LM. Diagnostic Targeted Sequencing Panel for Hepatocellular Carcinoma Genomic Screening. J Mol Diagn 2018;20:836-848.
- Nuciforo S, Fofana I, Matter MS, Blumer T, Calabrese D, Boldanova T, Piscuoglio S, Wieland S, Ringnalda F, Schwank G, Terracciano LM, Ng CKY, Heim MH. Organoid Models of Human Liver Cancers Derived from Tumor Needle Biopsies. Cell Rep 2018;24:1363-1376.
- Ng CKY, Di Costanzo GG, Tosti N, Paradiso V, Coto-Llerena M, Roscigno G, Perrina V, Quintavalle C, Boldanova T, Wieland S, Marino-Marsilia G, Lanzafame M, Quagliata L, Condorelli G, Matter MS, Tortora R, Heim MH, Terracciano LM, Piscuoglio S. Genetic profiling using plasma-derived cell-free DNA in therapy-naive hepatocellular carcinoma patients: a pilot study. Ann Oncol 2018;29:1286-1291.
- Hindupur SK, Colombi M, Fuhs SR, Matter MS, Guri Y, Adam K, Cornu M, Piscuoglio S, Ng CKY, Betz C, Liko D, Quagliata L, Moes S, Jenoe P, Terracciano LM, Heim MH, Hunter T, Hall MN. The protein histidine phosphatase LHPP is a tumour suppressor. Nature 2018;555:678-682.
- Goossens N, de Vito C, Mangia A, Clement S, Cenderello G, Barrera F, D'Ambrosio R, Coppola N, Zampino R, Stanzione M, Adinolfi LE, Wedemeyer H, Semmo N, Mullhaupt B, Semela D, Malinverni R, Moradpour D, Heim M, Trincucci G, Rubbia-Brandt L, Negro F, Group BS. Effect of hepatitis B virus on steatosis in hepatitis C virus co-infected subjects: A multi-centre study and systematic review. J Viral Hepat 2018;25:920-929.
- Campana B, Calabrese D, Matter MS, Terracciano LM, Wieland SF, Heim MH. In vivo analysis at the cellular level reveals similar steatosis induction in both hepatitis C virus genotype 1 and 3 infections. J Viral Hepat 2018;25:262-271.
- Broguiere N, Isenmann L, Hirt C, Ringel T, Placzek S, Cavalli E, Ringnalda F, Villiger L, Zullig R, Lehmann R, Rogler G, Heim MH, Schuler J, Zenobi-Wong M, Schwank G. Growth of Epithelial Organoids in a Defined Hydrogel. Adv Mater 2018;30:e1801621.
- Allgaier HP, Arnold C, Baumert TF, Becker G, Geissler M, Hafkemeyer P, Harder J, Heim MH, Huber R, Kern WV, Mohr L, Moradpour D, Offensperger S, Offensperger WB, Spangenberg HC, Thimme R, Walter E, von Weizsacker F. [From Molecuar to Natural Medicine]. Dtsch Med Wochenschr 2018;143:40-45.
- Rey S, Quintavalle C, Burmeister K, Calabrese D, Schlageter M, Quagliata L, Cathomas G, Diebold J, Molinolo A, Heim MH, Terracciano LM, Matter MS. Liver damage and senescence increases in patients developing hepatocellular carcinoma. J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2017;32:1480-1486.
- Quintavalle C, Hindupur SK, Quagliata L, Pallante P, Nigro C, Condorelli G, Andersen JB, Tagscherer KE, Roth W, Beguinot F, Heim MH, Ng CKY, Piscuoglio S, Matter MS. Phosphoprotein enriched in diabetes (PED/PEA15) promotes migration in hepatocellular carcinoma and confers resistance to sorafenib. Cell Death Dis 2017;8:e3138.
- Meier MA, Suslov A, Ketterer S, Heim MH, Wieland SF. Hepatitis B virus covalently closed circular DNA homeostasis is independent of the lymphotoxin pathway during chronic HBV infection. J Viral Hepat 2017;24:662-671.
- Guri Y, Colombi M, Dazert E, Hindupur SK, Roszik J, Moes S, Jenoe P, Heim MH, Riezman I, Riezman H, Hall MN. mTORC2 Promotes Tumorigenesis via Lipid Synthesis. Cancer Cell 2017;32:807-823 e812.
- Gauthiez E, Habfast-Robertson I, Rueger S, Kutalik Z, Aubert V, Berg T, Cerny A, Gorgievski M, George J, Heim MH, Malinverni R, Moradpour D, Mullhaupt B, Negro F, Semela D, Semmo N, Villard J, Bibert S, Bochud PY, Swiss Hepatitis CCS. A systematic review and meta-analysis of HCV clearance. Liver Int 2017;37:1431-1445.
- Boldanova T, Suslov A, Heim MH, Necsulea A. Transcriptional response to hepatitis C virus infection and interferon-alpha treatment in the human liver. EMBO Mol Med 2017;9:816-834.
- Blumer T, Coto-Llerena M, Duong FHT, Heim MH. SOCS1 is an inducible negative regulator of interferon lambda (IFN-lambda)-induced gene expression in vivo. J Biol Chem 2017;292:17928-17938.
- Ulveling D, Le Clerc S, Cobat A, Labib T, Noirel J, Laville V, Coulonges C, Carpentier W, Nalpas B, Heim MH, Poynard T, Cerny A, Pol S, Bochud PY, Dabis F, Theodorou I, Levy Y, Salmon D, Abel L, Dominguez S, Zagury JF, Group HACCS, Swiss Hepatitis CCSG, French AHCEPGSG. A new 3p25 locus is associated with liver fibrosis progression in human immunodeficiency virus/hepatitis C virus-coinfected patients. Hepatology 2016;64:1462-1472.
- Themanns M, Mueller KM, Kessler SM, Golob-Schwarzl N, Mohr T, Kaltenecker D, Bourgeais J, Paier-Pourani J, Friedbichler K, Schneller D, Schlederer M, Zebedin-Brandl E, Terracciano LM, Han X, Kenner L, Wagner KU, Mikulits W, Kozlov AV, Heim MH, Gouilleux F, Haybaeck J, Moriggl R. Hepatic Deletion of Janus Kinase 2 Counteracts Oxidative Stress in Mice. Sci Rep 2016;6:34719.
- Planas-Paz L, Orsini V, Boulter L, Calabrese D, Pikiolek M, Nigsch F, Xie Y, Roma G, Donovan A, Marti P, Beckmann N, Dill MT, Carbone W, Bergling S, Isken A, Mueller M, Kinzel B, Yang Y, Mao X, Nicholson TB, Zamponi R, Capodieci P, Valdez R, Rivera D, Loew A, Ukomadu C, Terracciano LM, Bouwmeester T, Cong F, Heim MH, Forbes SJ, Ruffner H, Tchorz JS. Corrigendum: The RSPO-LGR4/5-ZNRF3/RNF43 module controls liver zonation and size. Nat Cell Biol 2016;18:1260.
- Planas-Paz L, Orsini V, Boulter L, Calabrese D, Pikiolek M, Nigsch F, Xie Y, Roma G, Donovan A, Marti P, Beckmann N, Dill MT, Carbone W, Bergling S, Isken A, Mueller M, Kinzel B, Yang Y, Mao X, Nicholson TB, Zamponi R, Capodieci P, Valdez R, Rivera D, Loew A, Ukomadu C, Terracciano LM, Bouwmeester T, Cong F, Heim MH, Forbes SJ, Ruffner H, Tchorz JS. The RSPO-LGR4/5-ZNRF3/RNF43 module controls liver zonation and size. Nat Cell Biol 2016;18:467-479.
- Mobin MB, Gerstberger S, Teupser D, Campana B, Charisse K, Heim MH, Manoharan M, Tuschl T, Stoffel M. The RNA-binding protein vigilin regulates VLDL secretion through modulation of Apob mRNA translation. Nat Commun 2016;7:12848.
- Makowska Z, Boldanova T, Adametz D, Quagliata L, Vogt JE, Dill MT, Matter MS, Roth V, Terracciano L, Heim MH. Gene expression analysis of biopsy samples reveals critical limitations of transcriptome-based molecular classifications of hepatocellular carcinoma. J Pathol Clin Res 2016;2:80-92.
- Heim MH, Bochud PY, George J. Host - hepatitis C viral interactions: The role of genetics. J Hepatol 2016;65:S22-S32.
- Dazert E, Colombi M, Boldanova T, Moes S, Adametz D, Quagliata L, Roth V, Terracciano L, Heim MH, Jenoe P, Hall MN. Quantitative proteomics and phosphoproteomics on serial tumor biopsies from a sorafenib-treated HCC patient. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2016;113:1381-1386.
- Bernsmeier C, Dill MT, Provenzano A, Makowska Z, Krol I, Muscogiuri G, Semela D, Tornillo L, Marra F, Heim MH, Duong FH. Hepatic Notch1 deletion predisposes to diabetes and steatosis via glucose-6-phosphatase and perilipin-5 upregulation. Lab Invest 2016;96:972-980.
- Bandiera S, Pernot S, El Saghire H, Durand SC, Thumann C, Crouchet E, Ye T, Fofana I, Oudot MA, Barths J, Schuster C, Pessaux P, Heim MH, Baumert TF, Zeisel MB. Hepatitis C Virus-Induced Upregulation of MicroRNA miR-146a-5p in Hepatocytes Promotes Viral Infection and Deregulates Metabolic Pathways Associated with Liver Disease Pathogenesis. J Virol 2016;90:6387-6400.
- Andreozzi M, Quintavalle C, Benz D, Quagliata L, Matter M, Calabrese D, Tosti N, Ruiz C, Trapani F, Tornillo L, Fusco A, Heim MH, Ng CK, Pallante P, Terracciano LM, Piscuoglio S. HMGA1 Expression in Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Correlates with Poor Prognosis and Promotes Tumor Growth and Migration in in vitro Models. Neoplasia 2016;18:724-731.
- Terczynska-Dyla E, Bibert S, Duong FH, Krol I, Jorgensen S, Collinet E, Kutalik Z, Aubert V, Cerny A, Kaiser L, Malinverni R, Mangia A, Moradpour D, Mullhaupt B, Negro F, Santoro R, Semela D, Semmo N, Swiss Hepatitis CCSG, Heim MH, Bochud PY, Hartmann R. Corrigendum: reduced IFNlambda4 activity is associated with improved HCV clearance and reduced expression of interferon-stimulated genes. Nat Commun 2015;6:7280.
- Rueger S, Bochud PY, Dufour JF, Mullhaupt B, Semela D, Heim MH, Moradpour D, Cerny A, Malinverni R, Booth DR, Suppiah V, George J, Argiro L, Halfon P, Bourliere M, Talal AH, Jacobson IM, Patin E, Nalpas B, Poynard T, Pol S, Abel L, Kutalik Z, Negro F. Impact of common risk factors of fibrosis progression in chronic hepatitis C. Gut 2015;64:1605-1615.
- Rothweiler S, Dill MT, Terracciano L, Makowska Z, Quagliata L, Hlushchuk R, Djonov V, Heim MH, Semela D. Generation of a murine hepatic angiosarcoma cell line and reproducible mouse tumor model. Lab Invest 2015;95:351-362.
- Pfaender S, Cavalleri JM, Walter S, Doerrbecker J, Campana B, Brown RJ, Burbelo PD, Postel A, Hahn K, Anggakusuma, Riebesehl N, Baumgartner W, Becher P, Heim MH, Pietschmann T, Feige K, Steinmann E. Clinical course of infection and viral tissue tropism of hepatitis C virus-like nonprimate hepaciviruses in horses. Hepatology 2015;61:447-459.
- Marti P, Stein C, Blumer T, Abraham Y, Dill MT, Pikiolek M, Orsini V, Jurisic G, Megel P, Makowska Z, Agarinis C, Tornillo L, Bouwmeester T, Ruffner H, Bauer A, Parker CN, Schmelzle T, Terracciano LM, Heim MH, Tchorz JS. YAP promotes proliferation, chemoresistance, and angiogenesis in human cholangiocarcinoma through TEAD transcription factors. Hepatology 2015;62:1497-1510.
- Mailly L, Xiao F, Lupberger J, Wilson GK, Aubert P, Duong FHT, Calabrese D, Leboeuf C, Fofana I, Thumann C, Bandiera S, Lutgehetmann M, Volz T, Davis C, Harris HJ, Mee CJ, Girardi E, Chane-Woon-Ming B, Ericsson M, Fletcher N, Bartenschlager R, Pessaux P, Vercauteren K, Meuleman P, Villa P, Kaderali L, Pfeffer S, Heim MH, Neunlist M, Zeisel MB, Dandri M, McKeating JA, Robinet E, Baumert TF. Clearance of persistent hepatitis C virus infection in humanized mice using a claudin-1-targeting monoclonal antibody. Nat Biotechnol 2015;33:549-554.
- Jansen L, de Niet A, Makowska Z, Dill MT, van Dort KA, Terpstra V, Bart Takkenberg R, Janssen HL, Heim MH, Kootstra NA, Reesink HW. An intrahepatic transcriptional signature of enhanced immune activity predicts response to peginterferon in chronic hepatitis B. Liver Int 2015;35:1824-1832.
- Frey RS, Boldanova T, Heim M. Ultrasound surveillance for hepatocellular carcinoma: real-life performance in a hepatology outpatient clinic. Swiss Med Wkly 2015;145:w14200.
- Bernsmeier C, Weisskopf DM, Pflueger MO, Mosimann J, Campana B, Terracciano L, Beglinger C, Heim MH, Cajochen C. Sleep Disruption and Daytime Sleepiness Correlating with Disease Severity and Insulin Resistance in Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: A Comparison with Healthy Controls. PLoS One 2015;10:e0143293.
- Anggakusuma, Romero-Brey I, Berger C, Colpitts CC, Boldanova T, Engelmann M, Todt D, Perin PM, Behrendt P, Vondran FW, Xu S, Goffinet C, Schang LM, Heim MH, Bartenschlager R, Pietschmann T, Steinmann E. Interferon-inducible cholesterol-25-hydroxylase restricts hepatitis C virus replication through blockage of membranous web formation. Hepatology 2015;62:702-714.
- Wieland S, Makowska Z, Campana B, Calabrese D, Dill MT, Chung J, Chisari FV, Heim MH. Simultaneous detection of hepatitis C virus and interferon stimulated gene expression in infected human liver. Hepatology 2014;59:2121-2130.
- Thimme R, Heim M, Baumert TF, Nassal M, Moradpour D. [Hepatitis B and C: From molecular virology to new antiviral therapies (part 1)]. Dtsch Med Wochenschr 2014;139:655-659.
- Thimme R, Heim M, Baumert TF, Nassal M, Moradpour D. [Hepatitis B and C: from molecular virology to new antiviral therapies (part 2)]. Dtsch Med Wochenschr 2014;139:778-782.
- Terczynska-Dyla E, Bibert S, Duong FH, Krol I, Jorgensen S, Collinet E, Kutalik Z, Aubert V, Cerny A, Kaiser L, Malinverni R, Mangia A, Moradpour D, Mullhaupt B, Negro F, Santoro R, Semela D, Semmo N, Swiss Hepatitis CCSG, Heim MH, Bochud PY, Hartmann R. Reduced IFNlambda4 activity is associated with improved HCV clearance and reduced expression of interferon-stimulated genes. Nat Commun 2014;5:5699.
- Rothweiler S, Terracciano L, Tornillo L, Dill MT, Heim MH, Semela D. Downregulation of the endothelial genes Notch1 and ephrinB2 in patients with nodular regenerative hyperplasia. Liver Int 2014;34:594-603.
- Rothweiler S, Heim MH, Semela D. Nodular regenerative hyperplasia in a patient with generalized essential telangiectasia: endotheliopathy as a causal factor. Hepatology 2014;59:2419-2421.
- Quagliata L, Matter MS, Piscuoglio S, Arabi L, Ruiz C, Procino A, Kovac M, Moretti F, Makowska Z, Boldanova T, Andersen JB, Hammerle M, Tornillo L, Heim MH, Diederichs S, Cillo C, Terracciano LM. Long noncoding RNA HOTTIP/HOXA13 expression is associated with disease progression and predicts outcome in hepatocellular carcinoma patients. Hepatology 2014;59:911-923.
- Quagliata L, Andreozzi M, Kovac M, Tornillo L, Makowska Z, Moretti F, Heim MH, Heinimann K, Piscuoglio S, Terracciano LM. SH2D4A is frequently downregulated in hepatocellular carcinoma and cirrhotic nodules. Eur J Cancer 2014;50:731-738.
- Morikawa K, Gouttenoire J, Hernandez C, Dao Thi VL, Tran HT, Lange CM, Dill MT, Heim MH, Donze O, Penin F, Quadroni M, Moradpour D. Quantitative proteomics identifies the membrane-associated peroxidase GPx8 as a cellular substrate of the hepatitis C virus NS3-4A protease. Hepatology 2014;59:423-433.
- Morard I, Clement S, Calmy A, Mangia A, Cerny A, De Gottardi A, Gorgievski M, Heim M, Malinverni R, Moradpour D, Mullhaupt B, Semela D, Pascarella S, Bochud PY, Negro F, Swiss Hepatitis CCSG. Clinical significance of the CCR5delta32 allele in hepatitis C. PLoS One 2014;9:e106424.
- Lucifora J, Xia Y, Reisinger F, Zhang K, Stadler D, Cheng X, Sprinzl MF, Koppensteiner H, Makowska Z, Volz T, Remouchamps C, Chou WM, Thasler WE, Huser N, Durantel D, Liang TJ, Munk C, Heim MH, Browning JL, Dejardin E, Dandri M, Schindler M, Heikenwalder M, Protzer U. Specific and nonhepatotoxic degradation of nuclear hepatitis B virus cccDNA. Science 2014;343:1221-1228.
- Liakoni E, Ratz Bravo AE, Terracciano L, Heim M, Krahenbuhl S. Symptomatic hepatocellular liver injury with hyperbilirubinemia in two patients treated with rivaroxaban. JAMA Intern Med 2014;174:1683-1686.
- Lange CM, Gouttenoire J, Duong FH, Morikawa K, Heim MH, Moradpour D. Vitamin D receptor and Jak-STAT signaling crosstalk results in calcitriol-mediated increase of hepatocellular response to IFN-alpha. J Immunol 2014;192:6037-6044.
- Hoggart CJ, Venturini G, Mangino M, Gomez F, Ascari G, Zhao JH, Teumer A, Winkler TW, Tsernikova N, Luan J, Mihailov E, Ehret GB, Zhang W, Lamparter D, Esko T, Mace A, Rueger S, Bochud PY, Barcella M, Dauvilliers Y, Benyamin B, Evans DM, Hayward C, Lopez MF, Franke L, Russo A, Heid IM, Salvi E, Vendantam S, Arking DE, Boerwinkle E, Chambers JC, Fiorito G, Grallert H, Guarrera S, Homuth G, Huffman JE, Porteous D, Generation Scotland C, LifeLines Cohort s, Consortium G, Moradpour D, Iranzo A, Hebebrand J, Kemp JP, Lammers GJ, Aubert V, Heim MH, Martin NG, Montgomery GW, Peraita-Adrados R, Santamaria J, Negro F, Schmidt CO, Scott RA, Spector TD, Strauch K, Volzke H, Wareham NJ, Yuan W, Bell JT, Chakravarti A, Kooner JS, Peters A, Matullo G, Wallaschofski H, Whitfield JB, Paccaud F, Vollenweider P, Bergmann S, Beckmann JS, Tafti M, Hastie ND, Cusi D, Bochud M, Frayling TM, Metspalu A, Jarvelin MR, Scherag A, Smith GD, Borecki IB, Rousson V, Hirschhorn JN, Rivolta C, Loos RJ, Kutalik Z. Novel approach identifies SNPs in SLC2A10 and KCNK9 with evidence for parent-of-origin effect on body mass index. PLoS Genet 2014;10:e1004508.
- Heim MH, Thimme R. Innate and adaptive immune responses in HCV infections. J Hepatol 2014;61:S14-25.
- Haid S, Grethe C, Dill MT, Heim M, Kaderali L, Pietschmann T. Isolate-dependent use of claudins for cell entry by hepatitis C virus. Hepatology 2014;59:24-34.
- Frentzen A, Anggakusuma, Gurlevik E, Hueging K, Knocke S, Ginkel C, Brown RJ, Heim M, Dill MT, Kroger A, Kalinke U, Kaderali L, Kuehnel F, Pietschmann T. Cell entry, efficient RNA replication, and production of infectious hepatitis C virus progeny in mouse liver-derived cells. Hepatology 2014;59:78-88.
- Frei P, Leucht AK, Held U, Kofmehl R, Manser CN, Schmitt J, Mertens J, Rau M, Baur K, Gerlach T, Negro F, Heim M, Moradpour D, Cerny A, Dufour JF, Mullhaupt B, Geier A, Swiss Hepatitis CCSG. Elderly age is not a negative predictive factor for virological response to therapy with pegylated interferon-alpha and ribavirin in chronic hepatitis C virus patients. Liver Int 2014;34:551-557.
- Duong FH, Trincucci G, Boldanova T, Calabrese D, Campana B, Krol I, Durand SC, Heydmann L, Zeisel MB, Baumert TF, Heim MH. IFN-lambda receptor 1 expression is induced in chronic hepatitis C and correlates with the IFN-lambda3 genotype and with nonresponsiveness to IFN-alpha therapies. J Exp Med 2014;211:857-868.
- Duong FH, Dill MT, Matter MS, Makowska Z, Calabrese D, Dietsche T, Ketterer S, Terracciano L, Heim MH. Protein phosphatase 2A promotes hepatocellular carcinogenesis in the diethylnitrosamine mouse model through inhibition of p53. Carcinogenesis 2014;35:114-122.
- Dill MT, Makowska Z, Trincucci G, Gruber AJ, Vogt JE, Filipowicz M, Calabrese D, Krol I, Lau DT, Terracciano L, van Nimwegen E, Roth V, Heim MH. Pegylated IFN-alpha regulates hepatic gene expression through transient Jak/STAT activation. J Clin Invest 2014;124:1568-1581.
- Bernsmeier C, Meyer-Gerspach AC, Blaser LS, Jeker L, Steinert RE, Heim MH, Beglinger C. Glucose-induced glucagon-like Peptide 1 secretion is deficient in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. PLoS One 2014;9:e87488.
- Bernsmeier C, Calabrese D, Heim MH, Duong HT. Hepatitis C virus dysregulates glucose homeostasis by a dual mechanism involving induction of PGC1alpha and dephosphorylation of FoxO1. J Viral Hepat 2014;21:9-18.
- Balmer ML, Slack E, de Gottardi A, Lawson MA, Hapfelmeier S, Miele L, Grieco A, Van Vlierberghe H, Fahrner R, Patuto N, Bernsmeier C, Ronchi F, Wyss M, Stroka D, Dickgreber N, Heim MH, McCoy KD, Macpherson AJ. The liver may act as a firewall mediating mutualism between the host and its gut commensal microbiota. Sci Transl Med 2014;6:237ra266.
- Zona L, Lupberger J, Sidahmed-Adrar N, Thumann C, Harris HJ, Barnes A, Florentin J, Tawar RG, Xiao F, Turek M, Durand SC, Duong FH, Heim MH, Cosset FL, Hirsch I, Samuel D, Brino L, Zeisel MB, Le Naour F, McKeating JA, Baumert TF. HRas signal transduction promotes hepatitis C virus cell entry by triggering assembly of the host tetraspanin receptor complex. Cell Host Microbe 2013;13:302-313.
- Zeuzem S, Asselah T, Angus P, Zarski JP, Larrey D, Mullhaupt B, Gane E, Schuchmann M, Lohse AW, Pol S, Bronowicki JP, Roberts S, Arasteh K, Zoulim F, Heim M, Stern JO, Nehmiz G, Kukolj G, Bocher WO, Mensa FJ. Faldaprevir (BI 201335), deleobuvir (BI 207127) and ribavirin oral therapy for treatment-naive HCV genotype 1: SOUND-C1 final results. Antivir Ther 2013;18:1015-1019.
- Shanker V, Trincucci G, Heim HM, Duong HT. Protein phosphatase 2A impairs IFNalpha-induced antiviral activity against the hepatitis C virus through the inhibition of STAT1 tyrosine phosphorylation. J Viral Hepat 2013;20:612-621.
- Makowska Z, Blumer T, Duong FH, La Monica N, Kandimalla ER, Heim MH. Sequential induction of type I and II interferons mediates a long-lasting gene induction in the liver in response to a novel toll-like receptor 9 agonist. J Hepatol 2013;58:743-749.
- Lupberger J, Duong FH, Fofana I, Zona L, Xiao F, Thumann C, Durand SC, Pessaux P, Zeisel MB, Heim MH, Baumert TF. Epidermal growth factor receptor signaling impairs the antiviral activity of interferon-alpha. Hepatology 2013;58:1225-1235.
- Lange CM, Miki D, Ochi H, Nischalke HD, Bojunga J, Bibert S, Morikawa K, Gouttenoire J, Cerny A, Dufour JF, Gorgievski-Hrisoho M, Heim MH, Malinverni R, Mullhaupt B, Negro F, Semela D, Kutalik Z, Muller T, Spengler U, Berg T, Chayama K, Moradpour D, Bochud PY, Hiroshima Liver Study G, Swiss Hepatitis CCSG. Genetic analyses reveal a role for vitamin D insufficiency in HCV-associated hepatocellular carcinoma development. PLoS One 2013;8:e64053.
- Lange CM, Bibert S, Dufour JF, Cellerai C, Cerny A, Heim MH, Kaiser L, Malinverni R, Mullhaupt B, Negro F, Semela D, Moradpour D, Kutalik Z, Bochud PY, Swiss Hepatitis CCSG. Comparative genetic analyses point to HCP5 as susceptibility locus for HCV-associated hepatocellular carcinoma. J Hepatol 2013;59:504-509.
- Heim MH. 25 years of interferon-based treatment of chronic hepatitis C: an epoch coming to an end. Nat Rev Immunol 2013;13:535-542.
- Heim MH. Innate immunity and HCV. J Hepatol 2013;58:564-574.
- Heim M. Reply to miR-122, IL28B genotype and the response to interferon in chronic hepatitis C virus infection. Nat Rev Immunol 2013;13:902.
- Dill MT, Tornillo L, Fritzius T, Terracciano L, Semela D, Bettler B, Heim MH, Tchorz JS. Constitutive Notch2 signaling induces hepatic tumors in mice. Hepatology 2013;57:1607-1619.
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- Stickel F, Helbling B, Heim M, Geier A, Hirschi C, Terziroli B, Wehr K, De Gottardi A, Negro F, Gerlach T. Critical review of the use of erythropoietin in the treatment of anaemia during therapy for chronic hepatitis C. J Viral Hepat 2012;19:77-87.
- Patin E, Kutalik Z, Guergnon J, Bibert S, Nalpas B, Jouanguy E, Munteanu M, Bousquet L, Argiro L, Halfon P, Boland A, Mullhaupt B, Semela D, Dufour JF, Heim MH, Moradpour D, Cerny A, Malinverni R, Hirsch H, Martinetti G, Suppiah V, Stewart G, Booth DR, George J, Casanova JL, Brechot C, Rice CM, Talal AH, Jacobson IM, Bourliere M, Theodorou I, Poynard T, Negro F, Pol S, Bochud PY, Abel L, Swiss Hepatitis C Cohort Study Group IHCGC, French AHCEPGSG. Genome-wide association study identifies variants associated with progression of liver fibrosis from HCV infection. Gastroenterology 2012;143:1244-1252 e1212.
- Makowska Z, Heim MH. Interferon signaling in the liver during hepatitis C virus infection. Cytokine 2012;59:460-466.
- Larrey D, Lohse AW, de Ledinghen V, Trepo C, Gerlach T, Zarski JP, Tran A, Mathurin P, Thimme R, Arasteh K, Trautwein C, Cerny A, Dikopoulos N, Schuchmann M, Heim MH, Gerken G, Stern JO, Wu K, Abdallah N, Girlich B, Scherer J, Berger F, Marquis M, Kukolj G, Bocher W, Steffgen J. Rapid and strong antiviral activity of the non-nucleosidic NS5B polymerase inhibitor BI 207127 in combination with peginterferon alfa 2a and ribavirin. J Hepatol 2012;57:39-46.
- Lange CM, Kutalik Z, Morikawa K, Bibert S, Cerny A, Dollenmaier G, Dufour JF, Gerlach TJ, Heim MH, Malinverni R, Mullhaupt B, Negro F, Moradpour D, Bochud PY, Swiss Hepatitis CCSG. Serum ferritin levels are associated with a distinct phenotype of chronic hepatitis C poorly responding to pegylated interferon-alpha and ribavirin therapy. Hepatology 2012;55:1038-1047.
- Lange CM, Bibert S, Kutalik Z, Burgisser P, Cerny A, Dufour JF, Geier A, Gerlach TJ, Heim MH, Malinverni R, Negro F, Regenass S, Badenhoop K, Bojunga J, Sarrazin C, Zeuzem S, Muller T, Berg T, Bochud PY, Moradpour D, Swiss Hepatitis CCSG. A genetic validation study reveals a role of vitamin D metabolism in the response to interferon-alfa-based therapy of chronic hepatitis C. PLoS One 2012;7:e40159.
- Kuske L, Mensen A, Mullhaupt B, Negro F, Semela D, Moradpour D, Male PJ, Heim MH, Malinverni R, Cerny A, Dufour JF, Swiss Hepatitis CCS. Characteristics of patients with chronic hepatitis C who develop hepatocellular carcinoma. Swiss Med Wkly 2012;142:w13651.
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- Hagiwara A, Cornu M, Cybulski N, Polak P, Betz C, Trapani F, Terracciano L, Heim MH, Ruegg MA, Hall MN. Hepatic mTORC2 activates glycolysis and lipogenesis through Akt, glucokinase, and SREBP1c. Cell Metab 2012;15:725-738.
- Garaigorta U, Heim MH, Boyd B, Wieland S, Chisari FV. Hepatitis C virus (HCV) induces formation of stress granules whose proteins regulate HCV RNA replication and virus assembly and egress. J Virol 2012;86:11043-11056.
- Friedbichler K, Themanns M, Mueller KM, Schlederer M, Kornfeld JW, Terracciano LM, Kozlov AV, Haindl S, Kenner L, Kolbe T, Mueller M, Snibson KJ, Heim MH, Moriggl R. Growth-hormone-induced signal transducer and activator of transcription 5 signaling causes gigantism, inflammation, and premature death but protects mice from aggressive liver cancer. Hepatology 2012;55:941-952.
- Dill MT, Rothweiler S, Djonov V, Hlushchuk R, Tornillo L, Terracciano L, Meili-Butz S, Radtke F, Heim MH, Semela D. Disruption of Notch1 induces vascular remodeling, intussusceptive angiogenesis, and angiosarcomas in livers of mice. Gastroenterology 2012;142:967-977 e962.
- Dill MT, Makowska Z, Duong FHT, Merkofer F, Filipowicz M, Baumert TF, Tornillo L, Terracciano L, Heim MH. Interferon-gamma-stimulated genes, but not USP18, are expressed in livers of patients with acute hepatitis C. Gastroenterology 2012;143:777-786 e776.
- Bochud PY, Bibert S, Kutalik Z, Patin E, Guergnon J, Nalpas B, Goossens N, Kuske L, Mullhaupt B, Gerlach T, Heim MH, Moradpour D, Cerny A, Malinverni R, Regenass S, Dollenmaier G, Hirsch H, Martinetti G, Gorgiewski M, Bourliere M, Poynard T, Theodorou I, Abel L, Pol S, Dufour JF, Negro F, Swiss Hepatitis CCSG, Group AHEGS. IL28B alleles associated with poor hepatitis C virus (HCV) clearance protect against inflammation and fibrosis in patients infected with non-1 HCV genotypes. Hepatology 2012;55:384-394.
- Zeuzem S, Asselah T, Angus P, Zarski JP, Larrey D, Mullhaupt B, Gane E, Schuchmann M, Lohse A, Pol S, Bronowicki JP, Roberts S, Arasteh K, Zoulim F, Heim M, Stern JO, Kukolj G, Nehmiz G, Haefner C, Boecher WO. Efficacy of the protease inhibitor BI 201335, polymerase inhibitor BI 207127, and ribavirin in patients with chronic HCV infection. Gastroenterology 2011;141:2047-2055; quiz e2014.
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- Mullhaupt B, Durand F, Roskams T, Dutkowski P, Heim M. Is tumor biopsy necessary? Liver Transpl 2011;17 Suppl 2:S14-25.
- Mueller KM, Kornfeld JW, Friedbichler K, Blaas L, Egger G, Esterbauer H, Hasselblatt P, Schlederer M, Haindl S, Wagner KU, Engblom D, Haemmerle G, Kratky D, Sexl V, Kenner L, Kozlov AV, Terracciano L, Zechner R, Schuetz G, Casanova E, Pospisilik JA, Heim MH, Moriggl R. Impairment of hepatic growth hormone and glucocorticoid receptor signaling causes steatosis and hepatocellular carcinoma in mice. Hepatology 2011;54:1398-1409.
- Makowska Z, Duong FH, Trincucci G, Tough DF, Heim MH. Interferon-beta and interferon-lambda signaling is not affected by interferon-induced refractoriness to interferon-alpha in vivo. Hepatology 2011;53:1154-1163.
- Dill MT, Duong FH, Vogt JE, Bibert S, Bochud PY, Terracciano L, Papassotiropoulos A, Roth V, Heim MH. Interferon-induced gene expression is a stronger predictor of treatment response than IL28B genotype in patients with hepatitis C. Gastroenterology 2011;140:1021-1031.
- Cai T, Dufour JF, Muellhaupt B, Gerlach T, Heim M, Moradpour D, Cerny A, Malinverni R, Kaddai V, Bochud M, Negro F, Bochud PY. Viral genotype-specific role of PNPLA3, PPARG, MTTP, and IL28B in hepatitis C virus-associated steatosis. J Hepatol 2011;55:529-535.
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- Sarrazin C, Berg T, Ross RS, Schirmacher P, Wedemeyer H, Neumann U, Schmidt HH, Spengler U, Wirth S, Kessler HH, Peck-Radosavljevic M, Ferenci P, Vogel W, Moradpour D, Heim M, Cornberg M, Protzer U, Manns MP, Fleig WE, Dollinger MM, Zeuzem S. [Prophylaxis, diagnosis and therapy of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection: the German guidelines on the management of HCV infection]. Z Gastroenterol 2010;48:289-351.
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- Filipowicz M, Bernsmeier C, Terracciano L, Duong FH, Heim MH. S-adenosyl-methionine and betaine improve early virological response in chronic hepatitis C patients with previous nonresponse. PLoS One 2010;5:e15492.
- Duong FH, Christen V, Lin S, Heim MH. Hepatitis C virus-induced up-regulation of protein phosphatase 2A inhibits histone modification and DNA damage repair. Hepatology 2010;51:741-751.
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- Bellecave P, Sarasin-Filipowicz M, Donze O, Kennel A, Gouttenoire J, Meylan E, Terracciano L, Tschopp J, Sarrazin C, Berg T, Moradpour D, Heim MH. Cleavage of mitochondrial antiviral signaling protein in the liver of patients with chronic hepatitis C correlates with a reduced activation of the endogenous interferon system. Hepatology 2010;51:1127-1136.
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- Sarasin-Filipowicz M, Wang X, Yan M, Duong FH, Poli V, Hilton DJ, Zhang DE, Heim MH. Alpha interferon induces long-lasting refractoriness of JAK-STAT signaling in the mouse liver through induction of USP18/UBP43. Mol Cell Biol 2009;29:4841-4851.
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- Helbling B, Overbeck K, Gonvers JJ, Malinverni R, Dufour JF, Borovicka J, Heim M, Cerny A, Negro F, Bucher S, Rickenbach M, Renner EL, Mullhaupt B, Swiss Hepatitis CCS. Host- rather than virus-related factors reduce health-related quality of life in hepatitis C virus infection. Gut 2008;57:1597-1603.
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